
Tips for sharing dental post op instructions using different platforms

Tips for sharing dental post op instructions using different platforms

After the dental procedure, it’s important to share post-op instructions with the patient.

Sharing post-op instructions can be an effective and a friendly way to make sure patients follow the recommended care.

7 Ways to share dental post-op instructions

There are several platforms and methods that can be used to deliver instructions to patients about procedures such as root canals, extractions, periodontal therapy, and home care.

You can use things like:

  • printed materials,
  • QR code links,
  • web pages,
  • YouTube videos,
  • video integration in the practice management software,
  • email,
  • text messages,
  • mobile apps

So we’ll go through each of those printed materials.

1. Traditional print material

Traditional printed handouts are a timeless method for sharing post-op instructions.

Many practices can give a sheet with detailed instructions. The patient can take this home to have clear step-by-step guidelines on the care for their dental treatment.

The good thing about printed material is it’s easy to implement. The patients can reference at any time. The downside is that the paper could be lost or overlooked.

2.QR Codes

It’s possible to put a QR code on printed materials, such as a business card that would lead the patient to a webpage or video for more detailed postoperative care.

This allows a small card for a specific procedure to have the QR code, and the patient could
easily go to find more additional information on the web.

It allows access to multimedia resources like videos, detailed webpages, but it does require a
smartphone and internet access, and the user has to know how to use the QR code.


Also, there are webpages. You can have information on your dental practice website. It can have instructions under a patient resources or aftercare section, and you can list different procedures with instructions so that patients can go to the website to see this information.

You might be able to text the URL or email the URL to the patient.

And the nice thing is this can be accessed from any device at any time. The patient would need to have internet access.

4. YouTube

YouTube videos can be great. You can create educational YouTube videos to deliver post-op

These videos can go over a specific procedure and it can be a more visual approach to

Many patients may prefer watching videos over reading lengthy instructions.

The pros are that it can be easy to follow for patients. The downside is that it can take some time and resources to produce professional level and quality videos.

These videos should be short, informative, and professionally produced. You can create your own or use a third-party video that’s been created by the ADA or another organization.

5.Video integration on practice management software

Some dental practice management systems offer video integration tools such as Casey.

This can be a video system that provides patient education for different procedures and offers post-op care videos.

It can integrate well with your practice management system.

The downside is that it might require a software installation and a subscription and maybe more costly than other methods.

6.Mobile Apps

There could be specific dental mobile apps that provide post-op instructions.

They could have different features, videos, resources, and it could be convenient for patients who are familiar with using the apps.

But it may not be ideal for someone who’s not tech savvy or doesn’t have smartphone access.

7. Text messages and email

You could text or email a link for post-op instructions to be sent directly to the patient.

You can include the link to a webpage or PDF or a video.

Many patients appreciate digital communications. It ensures they can access the information at any time.

So the pros are that it’s instant, it’s easy access. Patients are more likely to read a text message or email.

The downside is that they need internet access and they might overlook the message.

Bonus Tip: A combination of platforms

The other option is an interesting combination of platforms. You might have some post-op instructions on your webpage, whether it’s written instructions and/or videos on your dental webpage.

Then from your practice management software, if there’s a communication tool, you can use that to easily text or email the link to the patient. Then there’ll be a record in the practice
management software that the post-op instructions were sent.

And the patient will be able to easily access from their smartphone the instructions on your website, which helps the patients find other resources on your website as well.

Sharing dental post-op instructions with your patients

By combining a variety of these platforms, printed materials, QR links, code links, websites, videos, practice management software and apps, you can effectively share dental post-op instructions in a way that best suits your patient’s preferences and ensures the highest likelihood of compliance.

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