Tips for managing failed, broken and rescheduled appointments

Tips for managing failed, broken and rescheduled appointments Failed and broken appointments are a massive drain for the practice. It’s a lost opportunity to help a patient, so it’s important to understand and figure out why they happen and to learn how you can prevent them. The goal will be to retrain the patients about their …

Tips for managing failed, broken and rescheduled appointments Read More »

How answering phones and scheduling patients helps make dental offices accessible and responsive to patient needs

How answering phones and scheduling patients helps make dental offices accessible and responsive to patient needs Why is answering the phone and scheduling important for accessibility and responsiveness? When you are the patient, you have a reason to make that call. And your reason always feels important enough for you to take the steps to pick …

How answering phones and scheduling patients helps make dental offices accessible and responsive to patient needs Read More »

Tips for erupting teeth orthodontically as part of restorative treatment

Tips for erupting teeth orthodontically as part of restorative treatment Sometimes you might find an incisor, a canine, or even a premolar that’s broken near the gum line. It could be that this tooth had a root canal and a post and a crown, and then the crown came off with the post and the tooth is …

Tips for erupting teeth orthodontically as part of restorative treatment Read More »

Tips on how to use Geriostore restorative material

Tips on how to use Geriostore restorative material How can Geriostore  restorative material be used for restorations near or below the gumline to promote better gum health and gingival attachment to the restoration resulting in shallower pocket depths? There are going to be patients who have cavities near or under the gumline, and it can …

Tips on how to use Geriostore restorative material Read More »

Tips for Phone Communication and Scheduling in a Dental Office Call Center

Tips for Phone Communication and Scheduling in a Dental Office call Center If your dental office has a centralized call center to handle calls for your doctors at multiple locations, there are a few key areas that really need to be defined to train and prepare the staff to help the patients. It’s going to …

Tips for Phone Communication and Scheduling in a Dental Office Call Center Read More »

Clear Plastic “Essix Style” Trays: how to make them and 7 ways they can help patients

Clear Plastic “Essix Style” Trays: how to make them and 7 ways they can help patients The clear plastic tray sometimes called an Essix tray has a lot of uses and can be easily made quickly in the dental office by the dentist and the assistant. With just an impression, whether it’s an intraoral scan …

Clear Plastic “Essix Style” Trays: how to make them and 7 ways they can help patients Read More »

Tips for offering teeth bleaching to your patients

Tips for offering teeth bleaching to your patients In this blog post we’re going to look at different types of bleaching and tips for making the treatment more effective for the patient. There are several types of bleaching: over the counter bleaching systems at-home trays in-office bleaching treatment with or without a light. Over-the-counter bleaching First, …

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5 Tips for how hygienists can manage their hygiene schedule

5 Tips for how hygienists can manage their hygiene schedule This blog presents tips for hygiene patients to be seen efficiently so hygienists can have productive days. Many hygienists rebook their patients six months in advance once the patient completes their hygiene appointment. They’re scheduled for their next visit when finishing their cleaning, which may be six months …

5 Tips for how hygienists can manage their hygiene schedule Read More »

Incisal edge position: how do the incisal edges of the maxillary incisors fit into the framework of our smiles?

Incisal edge position: and how do the incisal edges of the maxillary incisors fit into the framework of our smiles? Generally, youthful smiles show more of the maxillary teeth on the upper, and as we age and gravity takes over, we may show more of both the upper and lower teeth or even just the lower teeth. …

Incisal edge position: how do the incisal edges of the maxillary incisors fit into the framework of our smiles? Read More »